Although some weren’t too happy with the leaked graphics of Grand Theft Auto 6 (via Screen Rant), some gamers are still excited about the future of the franchise. GTA V has set the bar when it comes to story, gameplay, and graphics across the open-world RPG genre, so it’s understandable that many of its fans have high hopes for its successor.

Despite getting a lot of positive reviews, GTA V is not a perfect game. Now that the game is almost a decade old, it’s pertinent for Rockstar Games to hear what the fans are saying and accept some of the most valid criticisms of the game, especially since doing so can make GTA 6 a better game.

GTA V Needs High System Requirements

Upon its release, GTA V was well-loved by gamers due to its expansive open-world environment and gameplay. However, some gamers who don’t have advanced hardware felt that they were missing out due to the high system requirements of the game.

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Even gamers whose set-ups met the minimum requirements weren’t able to enjoy it thoroughly as they constantly encountered performance issues like poor graphics and low frame rates. It also is unfair for some gamers that they have to upgrade their systems just so they can play the game. GTA V’s high system requirements have ultimately prevented the gaming community from fully enjoying it.

The Map Is Too Big

GTA V’s map is huge, so much so that it has plenty of secret GTA locations that gamers don’t know about including the Clock Tower and Hidden Mine. However, the game has been criticized for its large map. For one, navigating the game can be overwhelming, and finding specific locations can feel time-consuming.

The game’s big map also contributes to some performance issues gamers might encounter such as low graphics quality. It also makes the game less replayable and causes repetitive side missions that take away from the fun of the game. While the work put in by the developers to create an extensive game is much appreciated, its big map has been a source of exasperation to some.

GTA V’s Characters Are Badly Written

While the franchise is known for some stellar characters, including Wade Hebert and Big Smoke who have only appeared in one GTA game, some of the characters in GTA V have been called out for being poorly written. The main criticism is that they're one-dimensional and lack any depth.

Due to the fact that the characters in the game such as Franklin and Trevor are mostly defined by their criminal relations, the writers don’t give much importance to their personal struggles and motivations. In addition, the satirical aspect of the characters does not effectively criticize modern society as the way they are written lacks insight and purpose.

The Side Missions Are Dissastisfying

One of the biggest mistakes that GTA V gamers make on their first playthrough is foregoing the side missions. However, the reason why some gamers do that is that the side missions don’t add a lot to the game’s narrative and often leave them dissatisfied.

Some side missions are repetitive and, as a result, are largely uninteresting. And the fact that these are not mandatory allows gamers to stay focused on the main story of the game. Unsatisfactory missions include "Strangers and Freaks," as well as "Taxi" and "Tow Truck," all of which are time-consuming and dull in comparison to the rest of the game.

GTA V’s Phone Call Feature Is Annoying

GTA V has pulled many gamers due to its many exciting in-game features and expansive lore. However, the phone call feature hasn’t received a lot of love. The phone call feature allows gamers to receive calls from other players in the game, although it can feel disruptive and unnecessary at times.

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Sometimes, the calls coming through from the phone can be constant which may feel distracting. What’s more, it’s not fully integrated into the narrative, so most calls do not add much to a character’s personality and development. It’s also not optional, so it can be a nuisance, especially for those who just want to focus on completing the game.

GTA V Feels Like A Rehash Of Its Predecessors

GTA V shares a lot of many similar elements with its predecessors, which leads to the criticism that it's a rehash of previous Grand Theft Auto games. It doesn’t help that the game has recycled the same location as San Andreas and featured old characters.

The missions in GTA V also have very familiar objectives to boot, including killing enemies, robbing stores, and car theft. While it’s undeniable that the game is packed full of new features, its similarities with previous games in the series ruin the gaming experience of players.

GTA V’s Depiction Of Violence And Torture Is Offensive

The Grand Theft Auto franchise has always been known to show a fair amount of violence, but GTA V might have taken it too far. In the game, some portrayals of violence and torture have been considered offensive, including violent acts that include shooting, beating, and torturing characters. It also doesn’t help that the violence is done in a realistic and very graphic manner.

There’s also the glaring problem that some instances of violence in the game lacks context, which makes it feel senseless. Moreover, it minimizes the impact of violence as the characters who commit terribly vicious acts are not shown to have any repercussions and consequences, whether it's a quick assassination or a drawn-out torture scene.

GTA V Has A Lot Of Bugs

Despite being a triple-A game that was developed by a popular game studio, GTA V has its fair share of bugs that can disrupt the gameplay experience. In fact, there were a lot of complaints that the game crashed unexpectedly, which caused some gamers to start some missions from square one.

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There have also been plenty of glitches in the game’s physics that have caused cars and other objects in the game to move erratically, which then takes away from the game’s realism. Thankfully, the developers have fixed glitches through updates, but there’s no doubt that the bugs have made the game less enjoyable to play.

GTA V’s Narrative Is Bad

The longevity of the Grand Theft Auto franchise is also due to its incredible narratives that include heartbreaking storylines such as Big Smoke's Betrayal. However, the fifth entry in the franchise has been criticized for its narrative, due in large to its three main characters that are involved in a convoluted story.

What’s more, the characters lack any development in the game, so much so that they do not grow throughout the missions and hardships they face. The narrative of GTA V is incredibly complex, but certain aspects of it take away from the enjoyment of gamers.

The Properties In GTA V Are Overpriced

Purchasing properties is a very important mechanic in GTA V as these allow gamers to earn more money and access new missions. However, compared to previous games in the series, the properties in GTA V are exorbitantly priced, which forces gamers to grind a lot just so they can complete the game.

Furthermore, the properties don’t even provide a sustainable income and their high cost can’t be easily justified. Some of the most expensive properties in the game include the Arcadius Business Center and the Lago Zancudo Hangar. While specific properties have their benefits, it might not be worth buying them due to the incredibly high cost.

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